Monday, February 25, 2008

Oh, I wish I was an Oscar Mayer...

Well ladies and gents,  the Oscars are finally over.  The votes have been tallied, the results are in, and the winner is...
"No Country for Old Men" for best picture.
Though I was rooting for "There Will Be Blood," I can fully understand why this one got 1st place this year.  The cinematography was beautiful.  The writing was impeccable.  The performances were strong all around.  And, not to mention it's the Coen Brothers' first film to be declared "Best Film of the Year."  In my opinion, it's about time.
Thank God, however, that "There Will Be Blood" went home with Best Cinematography.  'Nuff said.
As for best actor, the award rightly went to Daniel Day-Lewis.  As if there was any other option for the Academy?  Day-Lewis put forth the best performance of his career and he earned that Oscar with every bead of sweat and drop of blood.
This is Day-Lewis's second Oscar for best actor in a leading role.  The first he won way back in 1989 for his role in "My Left Foot."  Good for him!  There is a shortage of method actors in Hollywood these days and their craft should be respected.
It seems, though, that Johnny Depp was snubbed again for the prestigious award.  I would like to point out that he's been nominated three times and still has yet to take home that pretty little golden anthropomorphism we so light heartedly call Oscar.  Maybe next year Mr. Depp.
Best actress in a lead role went to Marion Cotillard for her performance in La Vie En Rose.  Still have to see this one, but I hear it's well done.  An update on my opinion of her performance will eventually be posted.
Well, how did you feel about the divvying of the awards last night?  Leave me a few comments about your predictions, disappointments and reliefs!
Image taken from

1 comment:

Justin said...

I'm not to disappointed with the awards (although I would have liked to see "No Country" take sound editing and film editing), but I think that it's just plain awful that the "Golden Compass" took visual effects over "Transformers".

Granted, I haven't seen mindblowing SFX since "Terminator 2" but any dope that has seen both movies knows that "Transformers" is so much more impressive than "Golden Compass"