Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Bilbo Baggins Heading to Spain?

Well, it appears that
Peter Jackson has been rejected for the direction of J.R.R. Tolkien's "The Hobbit."  According to IGN, Universal Studios wanted a fresh perspective on the franchise.  Jackson, however, will be producing the film.
Here is where the story gets good.  Many of you, I'm sure, are familiar with last year's fantasy film "Pan's Labyrinth," or heard of its director, Guillermo Del Toro.  You also may have seen his other films like "Devil's Backbone," "Hellboy," and "Blade II."  According to IGN, Del Toro has been selected to direct, not one, but two major motion picture releases from the aforementioned author.
"The Hobbit" will be Del Toro's first work of the series and will be due out sometime in 2010.  He will also be directing another film (unspecified at this time) based on the Tolkien universe.
Now I know what you may be thinking.  "The guy who directed "Hellboy" and "Blade II" has been trusted with arguably one of the most acclaimed series' of our time?"  
Allow me to interject.
Jog your memory a bit and think back to "Pan's Labyrinth," or even "Devil's Backbone" if you are familiar with it.  What is the one thing that Del Toro excels at?  Blurring the line between fantasy and reality.  "Pans Labyrinth" was a extraordinary film, for sure, but what if those short and sweet snippets of the fantastic spanned a two and a half hour epic?
The possibilities are endless.
Get excited and keep updated on what could shape up to be one of my most anticipated films of 2010.
*Update:  Apparently, as I was writing this blog, news has broken that Del Toro has not been "officially" signed onto the Hobbit project.  Negotiations are still underway, but the director seems enthused about directing the film (IMDB).  Stay tuned for more updates.

(Picture taken from


Jeff Browne said...

Excellent tone, good links, appropriate length.

Well done.

Jason Moses said...

Well, I'm psyched about the possibilities. Here's hopin' that he gets signed on officially.

Larissa said...

Hmm, I'm not sure how I feel about this. It seems a bit scary to think that "The Hobbit" won't be done by the man who won Oscars for his work on the rest of the series. Who knows, though, maybe some change will be good.

James Holt said...

I had heard they were making "The Hobbit" into a movie but I hadn't heard that Del Torro would be directing. That's awesome. If he brings the same sort of dark imagery to "The Hobbit" that he showed us in "Pan's Labrynth" it's going to be an amazing film.

Unknown said...

gosh i'm surprised they're not sticking with peter jackson, however pan's labyrinth was ridiculously interesting, i think that will be a great take on the hobbit!